
Sex coaching is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional, and my services don’t replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. I provide Materials for general informational purposes only and these Materials are not intended or implied to serve as medical or therapeutic advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should not use any Materials as a preventive health measure, gauge the state of your health or to diagnose or treat any health issues, illness or diseases. Please Come In does not provide any medical or therapeutic advice.

I cannot actually guarantee the outcome of our coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my practice. In my opinion, there are behaviours and attitudes which clients need to embrace to help make coaching engagement successful, what I am saying is that this is a “two-way street” commitment.

I can guarantee you this, however: I will do my best to coach my clients, and I’ll do everything in my power to help.

Neither do I endorse nor am I responsible for the accuracy and reliability of any products, services, events, opinions, advice, or statements.